My granddaughter loves to play in the sandbox.

In my experience the three most played with toys are sand, water and cardboard.

They’re cheap, require no batteries, make no noise and provide hours of entertainment for kids with imaginations (which is all of them.)

But I digress.

I made a sand toy by drilling a cork sized hole in a plastic jug that she could fill, then pull the plug. The sand cascaded out in a “sand shower” that was pretty to watch. After filling and emptying the thing about eight times with her, I got an idea for a photo.

Instead of sand, I used sugar because I wanted something pure white.

So here are the experiments. Nothing serious, just fun.

The image on the right is a heliotrope bloom. Here in Thousand Oaks and most of Southern California, you see heliotrope all over hillsides.

Click the see the images large.

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